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:: Volume 21, Issue 67 (9-2022) ::
2022, 21(67): 57-76 Back to browse issues page
Identifying and investigating effective factors in re-creating Iranian Islamic urbanization With emphasis on justice-oriented indicators
Abstract:   (211 Views)
The necessity of urban intervention to increase citizens' satisfaction with living in that city based on human-centered urban development approaches leads us to the conclusion that the priority of planning should be in such a way that the most important factor influencing satisfaction is meeting the needs It should be taken into consideration, and in the meantime, taking into account that the issue of providing a sense of justice and justice-centeredness and the realization of different dimensions of justice in the urban environment is a matter that is recommended by various schools, including the instructions of the Islamic religion. It can be considered as a planning field, so justice has a meaning in all areas of human collective life, and to reach the desired ideal city, one must have a justice-centered view. Therefore, one of the characteristics of a desirable city is that justice in all affairs and its structure is continuous and ongoing so that justice-oriented policies can be fruitful under the plans of re-urbanization to achieve the prospects of sustainable development. Regeneration does not mean The emergence of a new generation also entails a redefinition of the nature of Islamic Iranian urbanization; The purpose of re-creation is the reuse of this body using the principles of Islamic Iranian urban planning and the application of justice in the concept of new urban development. The research method of this research is carried out with a qualitative approach, emphasizing the theoretical foundations of new urban planning and Islamic urban planning in Iran. The strategy of this research is a combination of case study and fundamental theorizing; Because, on the one hand, the main question of the research is based on how to realize this approach in Iranian cities, and on the other hand, its purpose is not to test a theory and therefore prove or disprove the hypothesis, but it seeks to develop two theories with an emphasis on their common background. The research is based on the expert panel method and the five-point Likert scale has been used. The objectives of the research are in three steps, the principles and components of Iranian Islamic urban planning, the footprint of justice and justice-oriented urban planning in these principles and components, and principles And the calculated indicators of the contextual analysis were analyzed in the context of research around the shrine of Hazrat Abdul Azim (AS). Finally, their weight and importance coefficient were obtained using McGrahan's method and Cronbach's alpha coefficient, alpha equal to 0.831. The principle of justice, with a weight of 0.272, has the most weight in realizing the principles of re-creation of Iranian-Islamic urbanism based on justice-oriented urban planning, the principle of hierarchy, with 0.175, is the second priority, and the principle of unity and spatial diversity and the principle of continuity. Space with weights equal to 0.157 and 0.155 is the next priority.
Keywords: urban regeneration, New urbanization, justice-oriented urban development, Islamic-Iranian.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Accepted: 2022/09/1 | Published: 2022/09/1
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Identifying and investigating effective factors in re-creating Iranian Islamic urbanization With emphasis on justice-oriented indicators. Journal title 2022; 21 (67) :57-76
URL: http://ijurm.imo.org.ir/article-1-3243-en.html

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Volume 21, Issue 67 (9-2022) Back to browse issues page
نشریه علمی - پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی Intenational Journal of Urban and Rural Management
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  • گزارش: نام سازمان (سال انتشار) «نام گزارش».
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