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:: Volume 14, Issue 39 (9-2015) ::
2015, 14(39): 263-290 Back to browse issues page
Study on the concept of urban public areas and the Frankfurt School of critical theory in review
Ali Reza Bander Abad , Varaz Moradi Masihi , Hamed Kavosh Nia * , Hosein Aali
Abstract:   (549 Views)
Today, the design and expansion of critical theory to the city, including the "public areas of the city" in the efforts of modern man to achieve optimal living conditions as one of the most important goals of social movements as well as the result of "the richness of historical experience and theoretical results the accumulation of knowledge "is. Public domain in normative concept or idea that the general theoretical framework of Habermas's communicative action and ethics of dialogue instead The public sphere of social life in which citizens can discuss important issues related to the public good (public interest) to pay. The result is the formation of public opinion. Democratic philosophers believe that this physical manifestation spaces of the public sphere, sphere of activity, communication and dialogue open and various people as well as the formation of civil life. This paper documents and logical reasoning and analytical method and the method of data collection, including library and documentary studies to examine some of the critical theory of the Frankfurt School in the city (especially Habermas, Arendt and Harvey) were investigated. In the first phase, the research findings indicate that the Frankfurt School theorists because of their similarity in opinions, including criticism of capitalism and Marxism, and criticism of modern and contemporary and positivist concepts of rationality, science and empirical evidence, human object, the loss of freedom and independence of man, which are called scholars of this school. In some of the issues and their proposed ideas such as revolution and social change agents in capitalist society and its practices, and alternative plans for a successor system, the shape of the human future in the cities and urban areas in the cities of the future changes are different. Next, the criteria and elements for the development of public areas in the city have been mentioned.
Keywords: critical theory, the Frankfurt School, public areas, urban public space, public sphere appearance criteria.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Accepted: 2015/10/5 | Published: 2015/10/5
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Bander Abad A R, Moradi Masihi V, Kavosh Nia H, Aali H. Study on the concept of urban public areas and the Frankfurt School of critical theory in review. Journal title 2015; 14 (39) :263-290
URL: http://ijurm.imo.org.ir/article-1-465-en.html

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Volume 14, Issue 39 (9-2015) Back to browse issues page
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  • نويسنده مسئول: a.a@aaaa در پايين صفحه
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  • مقاله: نام خانوادگی، نام (سال انتشار) «عنوان مقاله»، نام نشریه، شماره، صفحات.
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  • گزارش: نام سازمان (سال انتشار) «نام گزارش».
  • اینترنت: نام خانوادگی، نام (تاریخ اخذ مطلب): نشانی کامل سایت.
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