Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Islamic Azad University of Shiraz
Abstract: (1435 Views)
Urban distressed area has been a serious problem in many cities in Iran for decades. One of the fundamental trends in Iranian government has been the implementation of consistent strategies for overcoming problems of urban distressed area. Old historical zone of Shiraz city is among the distressed area with different cultural, social and physical problems. Amongst the improvement and renovation policies for dealing with distressed areas is the concept of the people participation.
Partnership is part of the social responsibility to overcome the urban problems. ‘People Participation’ is a very commonly used term in the urban development literature as well as in policy making and implementation by both governments and non-governmental bodies. It can be defined as an interventionist process leading to a sustainable improvement in the standard of living and welfare of the people living in the distressed areas.
What people say is also what they believe as well as what they need. When investigating about the population structure of Shiraz distressed area, what the residents believe about their living area and their partnership in improvement and renovation is very important.
The current study investigated what factors motivate people to participate in improving and renovating their living areas. For this purpose, answering the following questions was conducted:
1) What ate the residents’ views concerning their willingness to cooperate with the government for improving and renovating Shiraz distress areas.
2) What are the factors that motivate residents to participate in improvement and renovation?
3) What are the barriers that interfere with people’ participation?
In this study, the technique of the questionnaire is used and the statistical analysis of the questionnaire is carried out using the SPSS program. By using the questionnaire data, the population structure of Shiraz distressed area and their willingness to participate in improving and renovating program were identified. The questionnaire carried out in this study consisted of 21 questions. The questions were presented in either a short answer or multiple-choice format. The questionnaire survey carried out from July 2012 until November 2012. 400 residents of the entire population of old historical zone of Shiraz city were asked to answer the survey questionnaire.
In order to analysis the questionnaire. The questionnaire was assessed to see what will encourage people to participate in improving and renovating program. This is assessed by asking respondents to judge the partnership. The respondents were asked to rate the agreement of each item. It refers to the degree to which an individual approve the benefit of participation in improving and renovating program.
There are different motivations affecting the people participation in improving and renovating program. For finding the motivations affecting the people participation, Kendall’s tau correlation coefficient was calculated for bivariate comparisons between partnership and different items. Strong association was found for age and gender of the respondent. Also, the respondents who like to have relation with their neighbors and those have participated for regeneration and revitalization of urban distressed areas have more tendencies in participation.
The most important reasons for participating in improving and renovating program identified through this study were security progress of districts, the houses firmness and district cleanness. Survey respondents also indicated that encouragement of others, significantly contributed to the participating in improving and renovating program.
Movahed K. Factors motivating residents of Shiraz distressed areas to participate in improving and renovating programAbstract. Journal title 2014; 13 (36) :223-232 URL: http://ijurm.imo.org.ir/article-1-336-en.html
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مقاله بصورت فايل word باشد و موارد زير در آن رعايت گردد:
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قلم نوشتار لاتين Times New Roman نازك 10
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نيم فاصله به هيچ عنوان در كل متن نباشد.
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قلم زيرنويس فارسي فونت 10 و لاتين فونت 8
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ارجاعات مربوط به منابع در متن و داخل پرانتز و بهصورت زیر است:
ارجاع به منبع فارسی:(عالم، ۱۳۹۱: ۱۰۳)
ارجاع به منبع انگلیسی:(دورژه، ۲۰۰۲: ۳۲۶-۳۲۷)
* در ارجاع درون متن به منبع خارجی، معادل اصلیِ نام نویسنده حتما در پاورقیِ همان صفحه ذکر شود.
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مشخصات نویسنده یا نویسندگان بهصورت زیر در صفحه اول مقاله درج گردد و آدرس پست الكترونيكي نويسنده مسئول بهصورت پاورقی ذکر گردد:
مرتبه علمی، تخصص، دانشگاه یا پژوهشگاه یا سازمان. (نام و نام خانوادگي: دکتری طراحی شهری، استادیار گروهطراحی شهری، دانشکده ....، دانشگاه ....، تهران، ایران).
در صورتیکه مقاله بیش از یک نویسنده دارد، نویسنده مسئول با علامت ستاره (*) مشخص گردد.
در پایان مقاله فهرست الفبایی منابع مورد استفاده فارسی و انگلیسی به شکل زیر ارائه شود:
کتاب: نام خانوادگی، نام (سال انتشار) عنوان کتاب، شماره جلد، (نام و نامخانوادگی مترجم)، شماره چاپ، محل انتشار: انتشارات.
مقاله: نام خانوادگی، نام (سال انتشار) «عنوان مقاله»، نام نشریه، شماره، صفحات.
پایاننامه: نام خانوادگی، نام (سال انتشار) عنوان پایاننامه، پایاننامه کارشناسیارشد/ دکترا، رشته، دانشکده، دانشگاه.
گزارش: نام سازمان (سال انتشار) «نام گزارش».
اینترنت: نام خانوادگی، نام (تاریخ اخذ مطلب): نشانی کامل سایت.
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