The Role of Reminiscence in The Design of Beautification of Urban Elements, Case Study: Qom city
Abstract: (662 Views) |
Human beings' works and products are somehow indicative of his beliefs, opinions and ideals. Cities and urban elements as one of the products of human beings will not be independent of the relationship too and they are influenced by beliefs, opinions and demands of citizens. And the current article concentrates on the influence of Islamic opinions and teachings on products of human beings. On the other hand we can note that in different eras the role and the importance of designing urban elements for organizing the space, beautification and promoting mental image of citizens have been considered differently by designers. But most of these elements and ideas have been in conflict with Islamic identity and teachings and they emphasized on negligence and sheer attention to material issues in urban spaces. Thus attention to principles and basics of designing Islamic city in general and attention to and application of reminiscence (as one of the qualities of Islamic urbanization) in specific seems necessary for designing elements of urban beautification. Reminiscence which derived from Islamic teachings is one of the principles and criterions with great importance in developing the urban elements. The space of reminiscence is against the space of negligence. The space of reminiscence is the basis for awakening and dealing with main subjects of human beings' life. Such a space emphasize on keeping the thought of god alive and abstinence from negligence. But it should be noted that in analytical survey of this article besides the spiritual concepts, worthy worldly concepts have been considered too. Among other items which have the reminding role in urban spaces include: natural elements such as light, water, color, wind, soil and the man made elements such as symbol and form, the holy figures, color and light in works and other works of art. The results of the research suggest that the viewpoint of both groups emphasize on conduction of meanings and concepts and the reminding role in urban elements but the difference is in the type of attitude and perception. That is common people have been weaker than professionals (students and architecture and urbanization engineers) in perception of symbols and desired signs of designers and this stresses on the necessity of strengthening the more popular, the more indigenous and the more comprehensible elements. And besides this, the respondents also stressed on the necessity of considering the natural elements and elements which have functionality in addition to meaning and beauty. Thus, architecture, the framework of city and the elements of urban beautification as components of daily life space will have considerable role in this reminding aspect. Designing the urban elements in line with creation of Reminiscence space can be defined according to different parameters like: attention to historical dates, customs and culture of the society, attention to revelations and accounts and divine names and immaculate Imams, attention to architecture and the identity of the region and so on. In other words, there will be different interpretations and perceptions according to the place of designing. |
Keywords: Islamic urbanization, Reminiscence space, negligence space, urban elements, Qom city. |
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Type of Study: Research |
Special Accepted: 2017/12/12 | Published: 2017/12/12
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