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:: Volume 16, Issue 46 (6-2017) ::
2017, 16(46): 261-272 Back to browse issues page
Moral education as one of the approaches to media literacy and social responsibility
Abstract:   (418 Views)

Receive moral messages, with an emphasis on personal relationships and the ethics of care can lead people value human relations and social responsibility. Their moral development, particularly ethic of care, can be physical characteristics such as caring, compassion, benevolence, kindness and responsibility to foster the sort. Dimensions moral education focused on individual moral judgment and moral and social responsibility towards the community; Because components of media literacy includes cognitive, emotional, aesthetic and moral, so the relationship between ethics and social responsibility in following ethical dimension of media literacy takes place. Because morality is considered one of the constructive aspects of social responsibility; Regardless of man and his moral action is meaningless; And human action a moral judgment about the message that one of the business environment. The main purpose of this article is to review the three components of media literacy, literacy and communication between them on the side of moral and social responsibility requirements in the context of human agency as the media is to provide a logical analysis of angles, perspective and challenges facing the concepts revealed. According to this argument no attention to the safety, health and welfare of the public good, it is the social responsibility and the ability to manage them. Keeping in mind that the concept of morality with knowledge of social responsibility, ethical literacy and media literacy as one of the sides (cognitive, emotional, aesthetic and moral) can be at par with other human needs of the twentieth century and I was supposed to live. As ethics and communication behaviors focuses on personal and individual decisions. On the contrary, social responsibility, social aspects and issues related suprapersonal. And media literacy among both approaches is needed

Keywords: media literacy, social responsibility, moral education, moral sensitivity, moral reasoning and moral potential
Full-Text [PDF 434 kb]   (379 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Accepted: 2017/02/18 | Published: 2017/02/18
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Moral education as one of the approaches to media literacy and social responsibility. Journal title 2017; 16 (46) :261-272
URL: http://ijurm.imo.org.ir/article-1-1528-en.html

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Volume 16, Issue 46 (6-2017) Back to browse issues page
نشریه علمی - پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی Intenational Journal of Urban and Rural Management
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  • ارجاع به منبع انگلیسی:(دورژه، ۲۰۰۲: ۳۲۶-۳۲۷)
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  • مرتبه علمی، تخصص، دانشگاه یا پژوهشگاه یا سازمان. (نام و نام خانوادگي: دکتری طراحی شهری، استادیار گروه طراحی شهری، دانشکده ....، دانشگاه ....، تهران، ایران).
  • نويسنده مسئول: a.a@aaaa در پايين صفحه
  1. در صورتی‌که مقاله بیش از یک نویسنده دارد، نویسنده مسئول با علامت ستاره (*) مشخص گردد.
  2. در پایان مقاله فهرست الفبایی منابع مورد استفاده فارسی و انگلیسی به شکل زیر ارائه شود:
  • کتاب: نام خانوادگی، نام (سال انتشار) عنوان کتاب، شماره جلد، (نام و نام‌خانوادگی مترجم)، شماره چاپ، محل انتشار: انتشارات.
  • مقاله: نام خانوادگی، نام (سال انتشار) «عنوان مقاله»، نام نشریه، شماره، صفحات.
  • پایان‌نامه: نام خانوادگی، نام (سال انتشار) عنوان پایان‌نامه، پایان‌نامه کارشناسی‌ارشد/ دکترا، رشته، دانشکده، دانشگاه.
  • گزارش: نام سازمان (سال انتشار) «نام گزارش».
  • اینترنت: نام خانوادگی، نام (تاریخ اخذ مطلب): نشانی کامل سایت.
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